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Gastronomic Events

Gastronomy forms an inherent link with tourism and plays a large part in the tourism experience. In gastronomic tourism, food and beverages are the main factors that motivate a person to choose a particular destination. Recent studies have shown that food plays, consciously or unconsciously, an important part in the holiday experience of a growing number of travellers.
Tourism authorities around the world are now recognizing the potential of gastronomic tourism as a powerful instrument to identify and promote places, regions or countries.

Services include:

  • Large scale cooking competitions, including live cook-offs ‘Iron Chef’ style
  • Demonstration kitchen set design and construction
  • Large scale tasting pavilions or villages
  • Participation events for local restaurants
  • Celebrity chef sourcing for hosting and participation
  • Gastronomic tour routing and organising
  • Multi-day festivals to include all the elements above
  • Recruiting/training of local staff in the production and operation of such services
festival P1020379 LF3U1786
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